Recruitment PR and Marketing Blog

How to effectively engage with journalists

How to effectively engage with journalists

It goes without saying that companies expect their PR agency to secure great coverage on their behalf. Whether that is through securing interview opportunities, comments in a wider article or a thought leadership piece, effective engagement with journalists is a must. Although journalists are often inundated with pitches, press releases, and calls, there are techniques you can follow to help get on their radar, while also establishing lasting relationships. This blog looks at the 5 steps you need to take to effectively engage with journalists and the 3 things to avoid.
Why media relations is important for recruitment

Why media relations is important for recruitment

I’m Sadie McGrath and I have recently joined BlueSky PR as their new PR and Communications Assistant.
Social media recruiting: trends and features to watch

Social media recruiting: trends and features to watch

Live streaming – marketing tool or a Covid necessity? Do you need to broadcast a message to clients or employees?
How to attract candidates, clients, and recruiters to your business

How to attract candidates, clients, and recruiters to your business

Recruitment businesses need three things in order to be successful:
5 questions you must ask to perfect your recruitment content marketing

5 questions you must ask to perfect your recruitment content marketing

The more time we spend sitting in front of our screens these days, the more we are bombarded by information which is why having an effective content marketing plan in place that catches your audience's attention is more important than ever.
Why your recruitment firm should be producing long-form content

Why your recruitment firm should be producing long-form content

Are you producing long-form content for your recruitment firm’s website? While the prospect of turning a blank page into one that offers substantial value and information for your target audience can seem pretty daunting, it is something that offers many benefits.
5 ways to achieve work-life balance when working remotely - guest blog

5 ways to achieve work-life balance when working remotely - guest blog

Remote working is here to stay. It's been over a year now that most organisations have gone fully remote (whether temporary or long term) or adopted a hybrid working model. Face-to-face interactions, water cooler chats and coffee breaks have now been replaced by virtual meeting rooms and zoom calls.
Communication tips to double your recruitment agency client base

Communication tips to double your recruitment agency client base

In the busy world of recruitment, agencies are often so fixated on the daily complexities of their jobs that they may miss out on the benefits of an effective communications strategy. Here’s just a few of the most effective communications tricks to double your recruitment agency’s client base:
How to increase your recruitment firm’s LinkedIn followers

How to increase your recruitment firm’s LinkedIn followers

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive from recruitment marketers and agency owners is ‘How can we increase the number of LinkedIn followers we have?’
Social media for recruitment: In-house versus agency

Social media for recruitment: In-house versus agency

As a recruitment agency owner you’re no doubt aware just how important social media has become in recent years. It enables your business to increase its brand awareness, enhance its reputation and generate leads – to name just a few of its many benefits.
Authentic PR and marketing: What is it and why does it matter?

Authentic PR and marketing: What is it and why does it matter?

Any recruitment agency owner that has had limited interaction with outsourced PR and marketing support (or, indeed, a particularly bad experience with a less than reputable agency) might not automatically think of ‘authentic’ as being a key part of public relations or marketing. But authenticity is crucial in any content you’re pushing out.
How recruitment firms can use LinkedIn video

How recruitment firms can use LinkedIn video

Are you looking to implement video content into your recruitment firm’s LinkedIn strategy?
How recruitment firms can create snackable content for social media

How recruitment firms can create snackable content for social media

As social media feeds continue to become increasingly saturated with a rise of 2.3 million UK users in the last year, it is more difficult than ever for recruitment agencies to cut through the noise and generate content that captures the attention of their target audiences.
Top 5 reasons why your recruitment firm should hire a PR agency

Top 5 reasons why your recruitment firm should hire a PR agency

Public Relations, or 'PR', for recruiters is all about the way you communicate with your target audience, promote yourself, and build a positive reputation.
What is evergreen content? And why should you love it?

What is evergreen content? And why should you love it?

You may have heard the term before, but aren’t exactly sure what it means, how it can benefit your business, or why it’s named after a tree. So what is evergreen content? Evergreen content is content that is relevant now and long after it is published (such as this very slightly updated post from a few years ago). It can show up in a variety of formats, such as ‘how-to’ articles, top ten lists, case studies, and much more. Topics that work well for this are those that are part of our everyday lives, or relevant for everyone within a certain industry or subculture. Be it careers, health, finance, family, or relationships, evergreen content will flourish regardless of what’s going on in the news. News articles, statistics and reports, and trending topics are typically not suitable for this.
Instagram Reels: What recruitment marketers need to know

Instagram Reels: What recruitment marketers need to know

Has your recruitment agency tried Instagram Reels? In this blog, we will:
Recruitment marketing trends for 2021

Recruitment marketing trends for 2021

While 2020 was without doubt a challenging year for us all, many will have entered the New Year with some sense of optimism. And while the announcement of another national lockdown has certainly put a dampener on some of the positive forward planning that staffing companies had begun, the simple fact is this: we’ve been here before and we know what can help businesses survive.
Creating a marketing and PR strategy that really works

Creating a marketing and PR strategy that really works

The New Year is always a great time for new beginnings and new objectives. And for recruitment agencies, it’s a great time to plan for the year ahead – and what a year it’s looking to be. What lies in store for the UK economy is certainly unknown. Indeed, the only certainty is uncertainty. For every business, now is the time to look at how to weather the storm and, in my view at least, having a robust marketing and PR strategy in place will prove hugely valuable in the coming months. In fact, this formed the topic for a recent webinar I hosted with my colleague Dan. So how can recruiters and marketing teams create a strategy that’s impactful, relevant and can withstand the potential changes that lie ahead? Start at the beginning It might sound like an obvious statement, but when setting out your plans for the coming months, it’s vital that you take a step back and consider the ‘why’ before the ‘how’. Defining exactly what you want to achieve from any activity and why, will put you in a far greater position to see demonstrable results that are aligned with your agency’s growth plans. And while of course the most ambitious firms might have a number of objectives, being minimalistic will often deliver greater results than taking an all-encompassing approach. By trying to cover all bases at once, you’ll be spreading resources rather thin and, as a result, will be unlikely to see the desired impact. Instead, setting three clear targets to begin with and investing time and energy in achieving this will deliver greater ROI.
TikTok: Should your recruitment firm be using it?

TikTok: Should your recruitment firm be using it?

TikTok witnessed incredible growth in during the pandemic, as people sign up to the app to join in with challenges, learn dance routines and be entertained in what was a challenging time for us all. So, should your recruitment firm get in on the trend and start using TikTok? Here's what you need to know about the platform.
How to run a Facebook competition: The rules you need to know

How to run a Facebook competition: The rules you need to know

We often receive queries from businesses asking how to run competitions on Facebook and what the rules are. In this blog post, I will outline the key Facebook competition rules – including one that many brands break – and share some top tips on planning a successful competition.
Recruitment Marketing: Return Reset Restart: Three Month Trial Packages

Recruitment Marketing: Return Reset Restart: Three Month Trial Packages

2020 has been testing for all of us, however we are starting to see shoots of optimism when it comes to the recruitment sector, which, as we all know, is often viewed as a barometer for the wider economy.
Why thought leadership PR content is more important than ever

Why thought leadership PR content is more important than ever

For those of you who have heard anyone from BlueSky PR present in person or on webinars, you’ll have no doubt heard us talking about thought leadership PR and content. If you haven’t, here’s a quick explanation: thought leadership PR comprises content and communication that demonstrates your knowledge, experience and skills, with little to no sales pitch. It leaves your target audience with a real understanding that you are 100% in tune with the sector you work in.
How to improve your recruitment firm’s client acquisition activities

How to improve your recruitment firm’s client acquisition activities

Why you need to revisit your client personas What content to use for client acquisition Getting your social media content right The need for paid social media campaigns
Specialist versus generalist PR agency: Which is best?

Specialist versus generalist PR agency: Which is best?

When it comes to partnering with a PR firm, there are a number considerations to factor into decisions. However, quite often one of the questions we come across is whether a recruitment business should go for a generalist firm or a specialist agency. While there are benefits to both, for staffing companies in particular, having a niche expert on board can often provide the greatest return on investment.
In-house vs agency marketing teams: the growth of the hybrid model

In-house vs agency marketing teams: the growth of the hybrid model

There are numerous viewpoints when it comes to whether to outsource marcomms to a specialist agency or keep it in house. But what about a combination of the two? Increasing numbers of companies are turning to a hybrid model where they keep some of the marcomms mix in house and outsource other areas to a specialist agency. And an effective relationship between the two parties can substantially maximise business results. So what are the top ways you can effectively work with an outsourced provider?
7 questions we receive from recruiters about outsourcing social media

7 questions we receive from recruiters about outsourcing social media

Are you looking to outsource your recruitment business’s social media? Here are seven of the most frequently asked questions we receive when speaking to recruiters enquiring about our range of social media services.
6 key metrics for social recruiting success

6 key metrics for social recruiting success

Social media has become far more important than ever for recruiters over the past few years. Research shows that 31% of UK social media users say that they have spent more time on social platforms because of the pandemic and changes in their work patterns such as remote and hybrid working.
Putting talent development at the heart of your recruitment process - guest blog

Putting talent development at the heart of your recruitment process - guest blog

When it comes to personal representation, talent development is as important as image development. Building a brand requires a great image. Building a great image requires having fantastic talent. Recruiting fantastic talent requires putting a great learning and development (L&D) strategy in place from the very beginning. Utilising a great L&D strategy is increasingly becoming the norm in organisations. According to the 2019 L&D Report compiled by, a massive 72% of industry-leading organisations use L&D in their recruitment process. More than half believe that it gives them a competitive advantage, while 39% take L&D even further, using it is a decision-making tool when promoting talent. Why? The numbers speak for themselves. Organisations that use L&D in this way have a 22% lower staff turnover rate, with much higher levels of staff satisfaction with their roles. But how do you put a great L&D strategy together in the first place?
Four tips for recruitment marketers to secure social media buy-in

Four tips for recruitment marketers to secure social media buy-in

In this ‘always on’ digital age, social media has become incredibly important for recruitment agencies. However, one of the biggest challenges facing marketers is securing buy-in from senior management who sometimes fail to recognise the value that social media has to offer. This may be due to the leaders not being active on social, or simply because they are of the (wrong) opinion that it shouldn’t be a business priority.
Recruitment marketing tips: What is employer branding?

Recruitment marketing tips: What is employer branding?

When I’m speaking to new contacts in the recruitment and HR sphere I often find myself being asked during recruitment marketing discussions: “what is employer branding and why does it matter?” (this usually stems from a conversation where I’m explaining what we do here at BlueSky PR that makes us more than just a PR firm!) So, having faced the question again recently, I thought now would be a great time to jot down some useful information.
How recruitment firms can attract new clients using paid social media

How recruitment firms can attract new clients using paid social media

With 31% of UK social media users reporting that they have been spending more time on social media because of the pandemic, it is the perfect time for recruitment marketers to focus on ensuring that paid social media campaigns are part of their client acquisition strategies.
A look at WhatsApp’s approach to PR: And why recruiters should use it as an engagement tool

A look at WhatsApp’s approach to PR: And why recruiters should use it as an engagement tool

Since being founded in February 2009 as a way for co-founder Jan Koum and his mum to stay in touch with their family back in Ukraine, WhatsApp has become the world’s most popular messaging app with two billion active users worldwide.
What are the key success factors for recruitment marketing implementation?

What are the key success factors for recruitment marketing implementation?

As more staffing companies get back to the office, it’s encouraging to see much more positive chatter in the hiring landscape. And there’s certainly been an uptick in the number of firms starting to once again get their communication and PR activity running. But the successful implementation of recruitment marketing strategies is reliant on a number of factors. While this certainly isn’t an exhaustive list, the below tips will certainly help businesses hit the ground running.
7 marketing analytics recruiters should be measuring

7 marketing analytics recruiters should be measuring

Recruitment marketing is a vital function for firms of all sizes, yet it can be incredibly difficult to know what we should be measuring and how. Too often recruitment marketers rely on vanity metrics, such as the number of social media followers they have acquired or the website traffic their site receives, which ultimately do not drive many relevant opportunities for business development.
Sales & Marketing alignment: 4 challenges that need to be overcome for success

Sales & Marketing alignment: 4 challenges that need to be overcome for success

I attended the Recruitment Network’s marketing round table last week and a key theme was how to get sales and marketing teams working together. And despite the fact that companies which successfully align sales and marketing not only drive more revenue, but also have better customer satisfaction levels, the subject has always been contentious. There a number of reasons for this – from a perception that marketing doesn’t drive sales through to cultural misalignment inherent within a business.
Social media training for recruitment: 8 best practices to consider

Social media training for recruitment: 8 best practices to consider

As the importance of social media in recruitment firm’s marketing strategies continues to grow, businesses across the industry are refining their approaches across the platforms to maximise their ROI. However, whilst focusing on the areas that directly impact the engagement and visibility of your brand’s social media presence is incredibly important, many marketers are overlooking the need to train employees on social media best practice – from the basics, such as how to create and share posts through to more advanced areas like nurturing prospects.
How recruitment firms can step up their digital marketing strategy

How recruitment firms can step up their digital marketing strategy

With over 4.5 billion active internet users today, the power of digital marketing can’t be overlooked. While internet usage has been steadily rising in recent times, unsurprisingly Covid-19 has accelerated the move towards greater usage and reliance on technology. And if recruitment firms want to ensure that they get their message heard and rise above the noise, it’s crucial that they have a strategic marketing plan which is fit for the new virtual world. Here’s how recruitment firms can step up their digital marketing strategy.
Why PR and BD are the perfect match for recruitment client conversion

Why PR and BD are the perfect match for recruitment client conversion

Recruitment marketers have faced a common challenge for a long time now: getting consultants on board with PR activity. We all recognise the frustration. Those in the profession know that the best and most impactful marketing and content strategies are ones that everyone in the company supports. Whether that’s through sharing press coverage and blogs, being active on social media or contributing to the content themselves, having recruiters involved in PR will be hugely valuable in driving up engagement levels.
Why candidate experience matters in a crisis

Why candidate experience matters in a crisis

In the months since our lives were turned upside down due to COVID-19 I have seen several posts on LinkedIn about poor candidate experiences – from the jobseekers applying for roles and hearing nothing – not even an acknowledgement that their application has been received – to those seeking advice and being met with silence. Of course, it’s important to note that there are exceptions to this rule, and some recruiters have ramped up their comms activity to ensure that candidate experience remains on point. In fact, I saw a great post from a recruiter who was on furlough asking her network to get in touch if they have lost their job and need help with CV writing or simply a chat about what their options are.
6 SEO tips to help your recruitment firm rank on Google

6 SEO tips to help your recruitment firm rank on Google

How high does your recruitment firm’s website content rank on Google?
The future of recruitment PR and recruitment marketing: Live Q&A

The future of recruitment PR and recruitment marketing: Live Q&A

In our most recent live recruitment marketing Q&A, hosted by Vickie Collinge and Dan Stobbs, we focused on the future of recruitment PR and marketing, BlueSky's @VickieCollinge and @Stobbzy are live for our recruitment marketing Q&A. They are discussing how agencies can future-proof their comms strategy. Send in your questions! #RecruitmentMarketing #Recruitment #Staffing #HR — Tracey Barrett (Dunn) (@BlueSkyPR) May 18, 2020 Here's what was covered: . Vickie: Hi everyone, it's Vicki here from BlueSky PR.
How can recruitment firms measure social media ROI?

How can recruitment firms measure social media ROI?

Are you struggling to demonstrate social media ROI to your manager or the wider team at your recruitment firm? Measuring the return on social media metrics can often feel like a real struggle as not everything you do will result in a new candidate or client.
How to formulate an effective communications strategy for recruitment

How to formulate an effective communications strategy for recruitment

While no-one is really sure what will happen in the wake of COVID-19, one certainty is that millions of job-seekers will be searching for employment at the same time. Therefore, if agencies are to stand out in this market, having consistent and clear communications with clients and candidates will be essential for firms going forward.
Latest Covid-19 news: what does it mean for recruiters?

Latest Covid-19 news: what does it mean for recruiters?

The UK eagerly awaited the scheduled announcement from the Prime Minister on Sunday 10th May, with the expectation of lockdown being eased a prediction of the hopeful, while the realists among us perhaps knew that it’s still too early for that. And while there remains to be some clarity on exactly what we can and can’t do (remember, you can go out but you can’t, and go to work but don’t travel, and don’t go to work if you can work from home – and please, PLEASE stay alert, whatever that’s supposed to mean) one thing is for sure: uncertainty remains. So just what does the latest Covid-19 news mean for recruiters and what should we all be doing more of to keep battling on?
Recruitment social media: live Q&A

Recruitment social media: live Q&A

During the early days of the pandemic, we ran a live recruitment marketing Q&A clinic - the session below focused on recruiters social media use.
Top tips for communicating with candidates during COVID-19

Top tips for communicating with candidates during COVID-19

There’s no denying that COVID-19 has meant that the messages you communicate with candidates has had to change exponentially in a matter of weeks. Many agencies will have spent a lot of time and effort developing a content calendar full of useful tips and resources. However, in the current climate some of these subjects will no longer be appropriate – a series aimed at job opportunities overseas or securing a pay rise, for example. Consequently, firms have had to go back to the drawing board and come up with new resources that address candidates’ pain points in the current climate. So what are the top tips for ensuring your content is appropriate and, crucially, that all candidates are responded to when they engage with your brand?
Virtual events: live recruitment Q&A

Virtual events: live recruitment Q&A

Last week we ran our third live recruitment marketing Q&A focusing on events and survey data hosted by Vickie Collinge and Dan Stobbs. BlueSky's @VickieCollinge and @Stobbzy are live for our recruitment marketing Q&A. Ask them your questions concerning virtual events and survey data.#RecruitmentMarketing #Recruitment — Tracey Barrett (Dunn) (@BlueSkyPR) April 22, 2020 Here's what was covered: Vickie: Hi everyone! Hi Dan! Welcome everyone who’s joined us. I hope everyone is well. Thank you for coming on board for this week’s live Q&A. Just a quick comment from me, I’m sure if anyone has seen the promo’s we’ve been putting out on social media, it was my colleague Steph King that was going to be joining me on this today, obviously Dan is not Steph but I’m afraid Steph has been pulled away on something else suddenly. So, Dan our Head of Social Media has kindly agreed to join me today and pose some of the questions you’ve been asking us over the last week or so. If anyone has seen one of these before, we’ve all been taking part in these live Twitter Q&A’s to give everyone in the recruitment industry the opportunity to ask us anything about recruitment marketing, PR, social media – questions that are really at the top of your list at the moment. And we’re answering them so we can give everyone as much support and help as we can during these difficult times.
Social media for recruitment: live Q&A

Social media for recruitment: live Q&A

In the early days of the pandemic we ran our coronavirus helpline live recruitment marketing Q&A on Twitter. Here's what was discussed during one of these sessions:
Lessons from history: how recruitment can survive a recession

Lessons from history: how recruitment can survive a recession

With talks of GDP falling and a recession on the cards, I thought it pertinent to write a blog on how recruitment can survive a recession. As someone who started her PR career as the financial crisis hit, I’ve witnessed first-hand from the first day of my working life what tactics do and don’t work during turbulent times like these. Of course, I’m not suggesting that these approaches will work on a blanket basis, no one can definitely say that if you do X, your business will survive. But we’re all human, and part of what makes us all so great is our ability to learn (well some of us anyway – I’m still waiting for my husband to learn to put laundry IN the wash basket, not next to it).