Having a strong EVP and employer brand is critical for talent acquisition and management success. However, we all know just how quickly cultures can change, making pre-existing EVPs out of date and ineffective unless regularly reviewed and updated.

That’s where we can help. BlueSky PR offers a full audit of your current proposition and the development of employer brand messaging, guidelines and definitions. The benefits of outsourcing this to an expert like us are significant. From a guarantee that the results will be authentic, honest and impactful, to the reassurance for your staff that they can be transparent with an external partner

Here’s how it works:

Over the course of our audit we will:

  • Survey up to 50 members of staff across a range of demographics to find out more about life at your business
  • Assess and analyse all recruitment collateral, from job adverts to careers pages and social media posts
  • Review onboarding content to ascertain the consistency of your messaging across the entire candidate lifecycle
  • Host a virtual or in-person session with up to 25 members of staff across multiple levels of seniority to identify the culture your team truly lives and breathes


The outcome? A full EVP outline defining the culture and brand for your business alongside key actions to follow to bring it to life in your hiring. Better still, you can either take the audit away and manage it yourself, or outsource parts or all of the action to us, the experts.

Request a consultation today.


EVP content creation

Whether you’re looking to refresh your content in line with a new EVP strategy or create brand new collateral to support your employer brand, we have the knowledge and skills to help. We provide businesses of all sizes and backgrounds with:


  • Careers website copy
  • Job advertising content and imagery
  • Marketing and email copy
  • Employee case studies
  • Onboarding content
  • And more!


Book a meeting with the team today to discuss your needs.