BlueSky has a track record of coverage across national, trade and international media. Our employer branding and case study led pieces have helped a range of organisations amplify their employer brand and effectively communicate their EVP.

Campaign planning

The first stage is to define your objectives – what is it you need and where. Are there particular skills you want to pipeline for the future? Is there a new location planned? Do you need to offset some bad PR? Whatever your objectives, our team will build a campaign plan aligned to your goals.

Media outreach

Through our work with a broad range of recruitment firms and talent management consultancies, we have built solid relationships with publications across a wide variety of industry sectors and geographical regions. Consequently we can provide targeted outreach to sector, regional and national outlets as well as responding to case study and comment requests from the many journalists who rely on our talent management specialism.

Thought leadership

Positioning your leadership team as experts in their field can resonate with passive candidates within your target sectors or geographies. We have extensive experience of pitching, researching and ghost-writing by-lined articles on workplace issues that give your employer brand authenticity and credibility.

Using your coverage

While your press coverage will obviously reach the people reading the publication in which it appears, it can also be used as part of a wider content strategy by repurposing the coverage into blog, social media and e-marketing content – all of which will help engage your current and future talent.

Check out our content services