POSTED BY Kerry Ruffle

Imperial College Business School

Imperial College Business School

Higher Education institutions place a lot of focus on being unique. Apart from their competitors. Something “other” than what students can access elsewhere. And, for the majority of those claims, whilst they are made in good faith, it is ultimately highly unlikely that they are entirely accurate. The chances are another institution offers something remarkably similar…
HEC Paris

HEC Paris

HEC Paris - a leading European business school located close to the diverse Paris business community. Specialising in education and research in management, HEC Paris offers a complete range of educational programs for the business leaders of tomorrow. The school has earned international acclaim for its superior programs, ground-breaking research, and outstanding faculty and student body. Whilst working with the BlueSky Education team, in 2018 alone the school received more than 2,200 applications, about 800 more than the previous cycle, and used the opportunity to admit 391 candidates, up from 232 the year before, enrolling 235, up from about 140.