3 minute read

Why networking events are important in Business Education PR

Life is busy, and it’s very easy to come into work and go about your daily routine, Monday to Friday, sitting at the comfort of your desk. Drafting press releases, writing articles, and sifting through the vast amount of emails you may receive every day is time consuming, and it’s therefore understandable why you may ignore an invitation to a conference or networking event.

But there are several reasons as to why you should attend networking events and conferences, and not immediately click ‘delete’ when you see an invitation arrive in your inbox.

Read below my top reasons as to why you should step out of the office and out of your comfort zone- it could bring more long-term benefits than you think.

  1. To build beneficial relationships with like-minded people
  2. To keep up to date with the latest BizEd trends
  3. As part of your marketing strategy
  4. To listen to inspiring speakers & presentations
  5. Because it can be fun!

Build beneficial relationships with like-minded people

This may seem obvious, but people often underestimate how beneficial meeting new people at events can be. Networking not only allows you to build on existing relationships, but you also have the chance to create new ones. Over coffee or lunch, you may have the opportunity to put a face to a name to the person you have been emailing for months, or you may even get the chance to make a connection with a new client, customer, or a future business partner.

Keep up to date with the latest BizEd trends

When you gather in a venue with a number of people from the business education industry, it is inevitable that you will start to discuss what has been happening recently. Attending networking events hosted by fellow BizEd professionals will allow you to gain insight into current and future business education trends, as well as the potential challenges the industry faces. This knowledge will benefit you massively in all aspects of your role when you return to the office.

Attending events can be part of your marketing strategy

Social media has changed the way we express our content and our key messages, and it is of course an incredibly important tool when trying to increase your company’s visibility across all relevant networks.

However, promoting your skills and services the old-fashioned way face to face is still one of the best marketing strategies your organisation can use. Discussing what you do in person to the right people can ensure that you spread your message more personally, memorably, and effectively.

A business education conference or networking event is a great place to discuss with others what your organisation stands for, and it is of course the best place to practice and refine your business pitch. Indeed, an insightful and informative conversation with the right person can take you and your company a long way.

Listen to inspiring speakers & presentations

During business education conferences, there are several speakers who will not only share information and their knowledge on several aspects of the BizEd industry, but listening to presentations from key figures will also motivate you to improve your own overall business approach.

Finally, it can be fun!

From time to time, it’s not only productive but also healthy to get out of the office every now and again to talk to people away from the screens! Also, if you attend events with your colleagues, it’s a fantastic chance to communicate with each other outside of the office environment. Attending business education conferences can be a chance to share your ideas, have a coffee (or a cocktail!), and to meet other people who share the same professional interests as you.

Follow up & connect

Although they may seem like a time-consuming activity at first, attending business education conferences and networking events can be an extremely beneficial experience. It gives you a chance to meet new people, to learn and develop your own professional skills, to increase your business visibility, and, to get out of the office environment and mingle with colleagues, clients, and new faces.

Ultimately though, once you’re back at your desk, its important to connect with those you met at the event. Although you may be busy, in the week after an event you should try to follow up with the people you spoke to, and to send them a message via email, LinkedIn, and any other social media platforms they may use. You never know; a small gesture now could go a long way in the future!


Author: Olivia Nieberg


Press Trips Checklist-1


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