An intro to the BlueSky PR team

I'm billing time!

Written by Tracey Barrett | 16-Dec-2013 09:58:35

A bit tongue in cheek this but  those of you of a certain vintage will remember a song called Time After Time by Cindi Lauper.




There was a great parody of this called I'm Billing Time which was aimed at the Legal Profession but it also resonated ( just a little bit) with me.




Not with our lovely current clients I hasten to add but a few organisations who never became clients over the the years who haven't quite got what we do.   So all together now -  to the tune of Time After Time:


Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick and think of you

Caught up in your campaigns insomnia is nothing new

Downstairs at midnight - its coffee time

Read a briefcase of documents - I'm billing time


Sometimes you call me up and beg me for free advice

You're stealing from me and wondering why I'm not nice

My mind, my time... are my merchandise

Don't make me say this twice


If you come to my office or call my phone - I'm billing time

If you stop me at parties to whine or moan - I'm billing time


You say you want the best but then you won't pay the fee

PR costs money but you think  it should be be free

You cry - oh why - is my bill so high - well let me clarify


If you come to my office or call my phone - I'm billing time

If you stop me at parties to whine or moan - I'm billing time

If I think of you when I am all alone - I'm billing time

If you're  late for appointments I will be waiting ...and billing time...still billing time

Image: "© Kamensky


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