An intro to the BlueSky PR team

Our new intern: Sophie O'Sullivan

Written by Kerry Ruffle | 11-Jun-2018 10:37:10

The inevitable question people ask when you tell them you’re studying for a degree in English and Linguistics is: ‘So, are you going to be a teacher?’

This is often considered to be the natural progression for Arts and Humanities graduates, however this was never a career choice that hugely appealed to me. While the thought of a career in teaching did little to pique my interest, I always knew that I would like a career where I could think and write creatively.

This love of reading and writing began aged seven, when I would write endless ‘shopping lists’ and small stories. As I got older, I knew that I needed a career where I could exercise this passion and also feel challenged in a fast-paced role, and so I started to read around different career paths which would allow this. Admittedly, PR was not on my radar until the beginning of my third year of university at Nottingham Trent. I’d heard of it, of course, but was not fully aware of what it entailed. My starting point began in November 2017, when I approached my university’s careers team and after explaining my skills and strengths, she advised that I should look into PR and see if this was something I enjoyed. So, after purchasing a copy of PR for Dummies (true story!) and somewhat familiarising myself with the field, I felt that I needed to get some hands-on experience and so I approached BlueSky PR.

Before starting an internship, the fear of the unknown is very intimidating. The word ‘internship’ often conjures up images of spending hours at the photocopier and making copious amounts of tea, however my experience here at BlueSky PR has been far removed from this stereotype. Since starting here last Monday, I already feel that I have learnt a vast amount of information about the field, the clients and the company. Within an hour of being in the office, my nerves had dissipated and I felt relaxed and at ease. Laying a solid foundation in a new job is incredibly important, and the training that I have received has been thorough and intense in the best possible way.

I have had a brilliant first week and I know that the skills I have learnt and developed so far will hold me in good stead for a successful career.

Author: Sophie O'Sullivan