The best media coverage from BlueSky Education

BlueSky Education Client Media Coverage Highlights March 2023

Written by Jamie Hose | May 9, 2023 12:43:07 PM

They say of March weather: it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Something similar happened at BlueSky Education. Well, sort of: the month kicked off with a bang, as our dedicated PR team coordinated a series of articles for International Women’s Day on March 8th. Unlike the easing weather, however, four weeks later, the pace continued, despite our clients starting to prepare for the Easter Holidays.

The team’s diligence and considered approach to media work has remained constant, resulting in some fantastic coverage. Here is a taste of what BlueSky’s clients enjoyed this month:

To begin at the beginning, International Women’s Day continues to be an important occasion every year. But when will we no longer need it? Sussex Business School, Aalto University Executive Education, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, and others offer their insights in this Forbes article on the importance of recognising women’s achievements. Many schools are keen to increase their numbers of female applicants, to encourage women into typically male-dominated industries such as STEM and finance, as well as giving them the necessary training to take on senior leadership positions. Engaging with events like International Women’s Day is a great way for institutions to demonstrate they have an inclusive culture.

The Financial Times towers like a giant at the top of many schools’ lists of desirable publications. The FT special reports are a golden opportunity for clients to feature in one of the few national newspapers with a section devoted to covering business education. Vlerick Business School and Polimi Graduate School of Management are included in this article in the latest Online MBA report. The piece focuses on the competitive edge of short digital courses with corporate funders, demonstrating that both schools remain at the forefront of innovative teaching.

The US and France are traditional hotspots in the business education world, home to some of the oldest and most prestigious business schools. But there is also a thriving scene in Asia, with many institutions in the region bursting into global rankings in recent years. Asia School of Business and INSEAD feature in this Poets&Quants piece covering some of the hottest business schools east of the Black Sea and west of the Pacific. Poets&Quants is one of the most widely read outlets covering the business education market, making it the perfect place to profile excellent schools that applicants might simply not have considered yet.

In the same way, it can be useful to highlight programme options and nuances that might otherwise be confusing for applicants. This EFMD article explores the differences between studying a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) and a PhD at business school, with insights from UCL Global Business School for Health, Durham University Business School, emlyon business school, and many more. Knowing what to expect is a key factor in enjoying your studies at business school, and institutions that take the time to unpack the nuances of their programmes benefit from their transparency.

Of course, there are always a multitude of opportunities that we’re unable to squeeze into these round-ups, including fantastic hits in trade publications such as BusinessBecause, Personnel Today, Growth Hub, and many more. If you want to find out more about how BlueSky Education can help you reach your PR goals, get in touch with us today.