Education PR Client Case Studies

Université Paris-Saclay

Written by Jennifer Wright | May 11, 2017 1:27:56 PM

We were selected out of numerous PR firms to build and manage credibility and brand awareness for one of the world’s next great universities, Université Paris-Saclay - a collaboration of institutions who joined together, following a €9bn investment from the French government, in order to compete on an international platform - when the university was merely a concept.  We took its aim to become one of the top 10 universities in the world, and shaped it into a strategy to bring all activities across the different institutions together to promote Université Paris-Saclay to an international market as a potential global leader in higher education with expert research rivalling universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, MIT or Harvard.


The topics we cover for Paris-Saclay are different to many of our other clients who focus on business and management based topics, instead we focus on sector specific coverage such as DNA research, start-ups developed due to research taking place at Université Paris-Saclay – products such as a wine monitoring gadget and phone charging pad – with the goal of increasing brand awareness for the university, and coverage on how the university was created.


The results

Over the past two years we have achieved more than 84 pieces of online coverage with over 734,000 page views and 2,000 social shares.  In addition to this we have achieved five pieces of offline coverage in publications in India, China, Australia, Spain and Scotland, with a combined circulation of more than three million.