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Introducing Olivia Nieberg

Having finished university with a degree in Politics & International Relations from the University of Manchester in 2015, my career path following graduation has been somewhat varied to say the least.

I had spent three exciting and fast paced years studying in Manchester, as well as being heavily involved volunteering and working for my student’s union - mainly flipping burgers and topping pizzas for the student union restaurant! I had been so caught up in my life up there that when it all came to a rather abrupt end; I came to the realisation that I probably should have thought more about ‘what next?’

I knew that I had always had a strong interest in the media and current affairs, and this along with the research and writing skills I had learnt through my degree, you would think that a career in PR would have seemed like a potential career option for me from the beginning. However, as it happens, I actually ended up working as an administrator within the pensions, HR, and recruitment sectors - and even spent some time working at the famous ‘Pudding Stop’ in St. Albans too!

It was during those long shifts selling brownies and perfecting my love hearts in lattés that I would spend much time thinking about where I wanted to be, knowing that this wasn’t what I had imagined when spending days and nights in the university library writing and researching for endless coursework deadlines.

When the opportunity at BlueSky arose, I couldn’t have applied sooner. The chance to challenge myself in a completely new area is what attracted me to the role, and I’m looking forward to developing my writing and communication skills as I continue to learn more about the company, our clients, and PR as a sector. It may have taken a little bit of trial and error to get here, but I’m excited to see what my first few months at BlueSky will bring!